One of our contacts, Jean, informed us of a homeless, Mohd Faizul, living near a train station for some months now. Faizul left home due to issues with his in-laws. After arriving in the city, he managed to find a job but unfortunately, he contracted Tuberculosis at his workplace. In May, he was going for Pulmonary Tuberculosis treatment at Jeram Hospital. However, he did not show up for his follow up appointment and has since run out of medication. As a result, he began experiencing the effects of the disease.

Given his situation, our team decided that it’s best for him to get medical treatment as soon as possible. We brought him to Dr Ming, one of our regular volunteer doctors. The good doctor examined him and prescribed some medications. She then wrote a referral letter to Pusat Transit Gelandangan verifying that his condition is stable after she received relevant details from Jeram Hospital. This is to ensure that he can be admitted to the shelter to get proper rest during his recovery. Dr Ming also wrote another referral letter for him to continue his treatment with IPR.

Thank you, Dr Ming, Yen Bee and Yin Hoong for your timely help. We hope that Faizul will have a speedy recovery!

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